Attract Unit
Regenerative medicine is an emerging field of medical science – incorporating the use of cells, biological factors, and other biological building blocks, along with bioengineered materials and technologies for widespread clinical applications. However, translation and commercialisation pathways are challenging and filled with uncertainty associated with rapid technology advancements and an absence of harmonised regulatory guidelines. With the aim of bridging ‘commercialisation gaps’ and overcoming significant development bottlenecks in the sector, CCRM Australia Attract provides specialised business services to customers and partners in industry and academia including:
Facilitating clinical trials, including ethics approval
Provision of introductory referrals and connections to industry, venture capital, and academic collaborators
Technology evaluation and technical advice on technologies that fall within CCRM’s core platforms
Market assessment of novel technologies
Regulatory and competitive landscape analysis
Commercialisation and technology expertise
For more information, please download the CCRM Australia Attract flyer or contact:
Dr Chih Wei Teng, Vice President Corporate Development at chihwei.teng@ccrmaustralia.com.au